The Couple's Travel Guidebook

Nomad Hostel

Nomad Hostel is an incredibly welcoming and fun hostel in Santa Cruz da la Sierra, Bolivia’s largest city!


About Nomad Hostel

Nomad Hostel in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia is a perfectly located, welcoming, and friendly hostel on the doorstep of the main square in Santa Cruz. It offers free WiFi, breakfast and a lively bar/restaurant that hosts regular events.

All rooms share a bathroom and terrace, with some having a private patio.

One highlight is the roof terrace which offers a breathtaking evening view of the nearby Cathedral!

“Nomad Hostel was, without a doubt, the best hostel that we stayed in whilst travelling around South America. It’s super friendly and fun, but also offers everything you could need for travelling as a couple! We definitely recommend!” – The Couple’s Travel Handbook

Nomad Hostel

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