The Couple's Travel Guidebook

Is It Cheaper To Travel As A Couple?

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Is it cheaper to travel as a couple? The simple answer is yes. Travelling as a couple does not mean that all of your costs are double, far from it.

We personally found that travelling as a couple enabled us to save money on accommodation, travel, insurance and food. 

We’ve broken down the costs associated with travel and explained how you can save money by travelling together.

Accommodation Costs

Travelling together helps you save on accommodation

For example, when travelling, we normally stay in a homestay, hostel or Airbnb, usually, there’s plenty of cheap options, especially hostels. The great thing about staying in a hostel as a couple means you can justify getting out of a dorm, as a double room is rarely ever twice the price of a dorm. 

If a bed in a dorm room is £8 ($9.2), we would expect to find a double room for around £12 ($13.9). 

In homestays or Airbnbs, accommodation typically comes as a private room rather than a dormitory so splitting the cost of this between two people is great.

Travel Costs

Travelling as a couple can also help you save on travel. 

Not on flights or buses (unfortunately), but, by travelling as a pair, you can often save money in transport such as taxis, tuk-tuks, and motorcycle hire.

And the reason is simple. These are quoted as one price so being able to divide it between two people is a real bonus. 

One of our bucket list experiences was to ride the Hai Van Pass but travelling together meant that we could just hire one motorbike instead of two. It also meant that we could experience the breathtaking view together. 

Travel Insurance

Travelling as a couple means that you can also save on insurance. 

If you are going away with your partner, it is important that you take out travel insurance. But, you’ll be happy to know that it often proves a lot cheaper to take out a joint couples travel insurance policy that covers both of you rather than two separate ones.

However, on the subject of cost, we don’t recommend choosing the cheapest option without checking the cover provided though, and it can sometimes prove to be a false economy should you need to make a claim!

Bits and Bobs

Travelling as a couple means that you can share everything essentially. 

Whilst we would still recommend packing two toothbrushes (because yuk), you can share cameras, sim cards, journals, towels, toiletries and backpacks, even!

At the end of the day, travelling as a couple should be a fun and enjoyable experience, not one where you’re worrying about money. That being said, we hope that this reassures you that saving money is one of the many benefits of travelling as a couple!

So yes, it is cheaper to travel as a couple. Ready to take the plunge? Check out our blog on how to travel as a couple.


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